
Showing posts from 2014

Jam Down Expressions

The three days festival of the late Rt. Hon Peter Tosh.

LEGALIZE IT "High Stakes: The Jamaican Marijuana Debate”

Marijuana    Title: “High Stakes: The Jamaican Marijuana Debate” Introduction In the lush hills of Jamaica, where reggae rhythms blend with tropical breezes, a heated debate is underway—one that swirls around the green, fragrant leaves of the cannabis plant. The question at hand: Should Jamaica legalize marijuana? Let’s explore the perspectives, the history, and the potential impact of this contentious issue. The Advocates Leading the charge for legalization are two prominent talk show hosts: Andrea Williams Green, whose voice resonates on the “Running African Forum,” and Muta Baruka, the eloquent host of “Cutting Edge.” They argue that Jamaica should follow in the footsteps of most U.S. states, where weed has shed its taboo status and become a legal commodity. Notably, Colorado recently joined the green revolution, allowing recreational use. Why the Hesitation? But why the delay? Critics wonder why Jamaica tiptoes around the decision to decriminalize and legitimize ganja. After all,

Basic Bar Flairing Technique 01

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