
Success - Jam Down Bar-tending -

The bartending can be done online as well as face to face learning. You will be able to get Job Cert NVQJ after completing the course online in weeks. WhatApps 876-454-9597.

Hospitality: Incredible Benefits of Being a Professional Bartender

Hospitality: Incredible Benefits of Being a Professional Bartender :                Behind the Bar Y ou put yourself in the path of meeting various professions of people.  Whether you're  looking to just improve your social life, hook up with the opposite  sex,  or network and  make a  business connection - being a bartender allows you  to do all  this and more. Everyone wants to be the bartender's friend, everyone likes to be "connected" with the  hottest bars spots. I can't even tell you how much free stuff I've been given... from  designer clothes, travel tickets, to sumptuous tips,   and free  drink out at other bars . It's unbelievable the opportunities you'll attract are also incredible. From job offers at other bars, to investment opportunities, to free stuff from liquor companies... I could go on and on.   As a  bartender, you can easily travel the world without a shortage of work. Want to  go  to  Europe for a year but can't afford it? Wan

Disadvantages of Online learning

    The Disadvantages of Online Learning 1.  Inability to Focus On Screens For many students, one of the biggest challenges of online learning is the struggle with focusing on the screen for long periods of time. With online learning, there is also a greater chance for learners to be easily distracted by social media or other sites. Therefore, it is imperative for the teachers to keep their online classes very, engaging, and interactive to help students stay focused on the lesson. 2.  Technology Issues   Another key challenge of online classes is internet connectivity. While internet penetration has grown in leaps and bounds over the past few years, in smaller cities and towns, a consistent connection with decent speed is a problem. Without a consistent internet connection for learners or teachers, there can be a lack of continuity in learning. This is detrimental to the delivery and learning process. 3.  Sense of Isolation  learners can acquire a lot from being in the company o

Hospitality: Bar-flairing

Hospitality: Bar-flairing   Flair-Tending Flaring : The act of making drinks beyond the normal way.  Flair -tending is the practice of bartenders entertaining guests, clientele or audiences with the manipulation of bar tools and liquor bottles in tricky, dazzling ways. Used occasionally in cocktail bars, the action requires skills commonly associated with jugglers.         Ten Commandments of Flair          Know the basic before flaring Ø   Pray before you flair Ø   Flair before you pour Ø   Be humble, friendly & polite Ø   Avoid flair moves piracy   Ø   Promote originality Ø   Constant and systematic practice makes perfect Ø   Flair for your guests, not for your self   Ø   Don’t keep your guests waiting because you are flaring   Ø   Ask when you do not know or if you are not sure     Flair Values      Be humble    Discipline    A perfect show doesn’t mean you have no drops or mistakes, its how you entertain the audience, its how     confid

Flair- Tending

Flaring :   The act of making drinks beyond the normal way. Flair-tending is the practice of bartenders entertaining guests, clientele, or audiences with the manipulation of bar tools and liquor bottles in tricky, dazzling ways. Used occasionally in cocktail bars, the action requires skills commonly associated with jugglers.    Ten Commandments of Flair Let's start Know the basics before flaring   Ø Pray before you flair   Ø Flair before you pour  Ø Be humble, friendly & polite  Ø Avoid flair moves piracy  Ø Promote originality    Ø Constant and systematic practice makes perfect   Ø Flair for your guests, not for yourself      Ø Don’t keep your guests waiting because you are flaring   Ø Ask when you do not know or if you are not sure Flair Values   Ø Be humble &  discipline   A perfect show doesn’t mean you have no drops or mistakes, it is how you entertain the audience, how confident you are on stage, and how you manage your mistakes.     Flair starts   

Hospitality Industry

  Hospitality Industry   Hospitality is the relationship between a guest and host, where in the host receives the guest with some amount of goodwill, including the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers. Five segments of hospitality: The industry is complex, consisting of  five  major  segments : food, lodging, travel, tourism and recreation . Part of the complexity is the co-mingling of  segments , such as a hotel that houses a restaurant, theater and gift shop. Food and Beverage : Gastronomic tourism  refers to trips made to destinations where the local  food  and beverages are the main motivating factors for travel. estimate of global market size.  Culinary tourism  tends to be largely a domestic  tourism  activity, with consumers travelling to places to eat and drink specific (usually local) produce. Lodging : A  lodge  is an inn where travelers stay overnight.  Lodging ,  meaning  to stay temporarily, or to give someone a place to stay. Acco